『Hide N’ Seek』は、現代社会で暗躍する忍者を描いた、私、塚本雄大の個人企画です。
1990年代、ロンドン発のブランドVexed Generationは、増加するCCTVや経済成長による空気汚染、当時の政治方針に対抗するため、
当時の社会的背景がVexed Generationのようなブランドが現れる要因でしたが、現代でも同様の問題は続いていると私は考えます。
Vexed Generationの取り組みは、当時の社会問題に対する反応として一部から高く評価されましたが、
作品内では、Vexed Generationが当時制作していた、
scene 1の前日譚に当たるヨーヨーを運ぶ運び屋の任務を遂行する忍者(scene 2)』を描いています。

“Hide N' Seek” is a personal project by Yudai Tsukamoto, about ninja who are active in the dark in contemporary society.
London has large number of CCTV installed after Chinese cities.
In the 1990s, the London-based brand Vexed Generation created ninja-like clothing to protect personal privacy and anonymity in order to combat the increasing number of CCTV, air pollution caused by economic growth and the political policies of the time.
The social context of the time was a factor in the emergence of brands like Vexed Generation, but similar problems persist today.
While Vexed Generation's initiative was appreciated by some as a response to the social issues of the time, the issue of protecting personal privacy remains important in today's increasingly digital society.
In today's digital society, social networking sites are making our lives increasingly convenient, but at the same time, I sometimes feel that we are losing our privacy without realising it.
In such a modern society, the theme of the work is that of a ninja appearing and disappearing in the dark in the streets of London.

In the work, I used clothes of Vexed Generation that were being produced in the 90s, such as clothes with hoods shaped like ninjas that cover the face except for the eyes, and clothes inspired by riot gear, to express in specific styling what ninjas would look like if they actually existed in London, and to express  the idea of being watched, I included posters that emphasised the fact that someone was watching you, as well as shots from high up, like actual CCTV.
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