『 G I T A I 』は、「擬態 (MIMICRY)」をコンセプトにした、私、塚本雄大の個人企画です。
本作品『 G I T A I 』では、人間による『擬態』をスタイリングと登場人物の挙動の差異で表現しました。


" G I T A I " is a personal project by Yudai Tsukamoto, based on the concept of  " MIMICRY ( 擬態 ) ".
In the natural world, many animals and insects use mimicry to achieve purposes such as self-defense or predation.
 For example, mantises approach their prey by resembling dead leaves, while octopuses and chameleons change their color to blend into their surroundings. 
In this way, many creatures in nature use ingenious mimicry to survive.
On the other hand, humans also exhibit behaviors similar to mimicry in their daily lives.
 In communication at work or school, people often hide their true feelings and conform to others, considering the atmosphere and the emotions of those around them. 
For instance, in meetings, if someone feels their opinion is in the minority, they might suppress it to ensure smooth discussions. 
Additionally, even in close relationships, people sometimes withhold their true emotions or thoughts to avoid hurting or being misunderstood by the other person. 
In this way, humans hide their true selves and sometimes play different roles to maintain smooth relationships with others.
I feel that this dual nature of humans is very similar to the mimicry seen in other organisms. 
In " G I T A I ", I have expressed human mimicry through styling and the differences in the characters' behaviors.

Setting of the work 
In our modern society, parasitic extraterrestrial life forms (aliens) have arrived at some point. These beings parasitize humans and mimic their hosts, blending into human society. They coexist temporarily while observing the dominant species on Earth, humans. No one knows their purpose, nor who has been parasitized by them. Family, lovers, friends, classmates, colleagues, bosses, teachers, the barista at your favorite café, the taxi driver... The person next to you might not be the human you know, but one of them...
リファレンス一部 / Part of reference
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